Hospice And Palliative Care

Pathways Hospice and Palliative Care bring over two decades of compassionate care for families in need of pain relief from a life-changing disease or end-of-life symptom or pain management to the Delmar Gardens Family.

Pathways Hospice serves loved ones in the end stages of an illness who have chosen hospice care in order to focus on comfort and quality of life rather than curative treatments. Our holistic approach focuses on living in comfort and improving the quality of life to manage symptoms and pain in concert with emotional, spiritual, and personal support. Certified Nurse Assistants (CNA) provide additional personal care, Chaplains, Rabbis, Social Workers, and Volunteers are dedicated to your emotional and spiritual well-being.

Pathways Palliative Care is a unique service that provides comfort to individuals with a chronic illness who are not eligible or do not choose hospice care. Unlike hospice, palliative care may be provided at any time during a serious illness and may be used in conjunction with curative treatments. Our palliative care team provides an extra layer of support by focusing on symptom management, education about the illness, and assisting with decisions regarding future care. Palliative Care also helps to complete advanced directives and ensures that your personal values and decisions are respected.